

Fanyu ancient sailboat model studio


开发销售仿真手工木制船模等高端礼品。策划航海文化、中国古船文化为主题的展览项目。承接成人和青少年航海模型各级赛事。承接与海洋、江河文化为主题的展览馆项目的建设。 研发出几十种适合学校青少年制作的中式古船系列模型器材,致力于将中式古船模型的历史知识通过参加各类船模展览和竞赛传播中国古船文化。

evelopment and sales of high-end gifts such as artificial wooden ship model. Planning Maritime culture, Chinese ancient ship culture as the theme of the exhibition projects. To undertake adult and youth sailing model competitions at all levels. Undertake with the ocean, river culture as the theme of the construction of exhibition hall projects. The company has developed dozens of kinds of chinese-style ancient ship model equipment, which is suitable for the young people in the school, through participation in various ship model

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中式古帆船 古船模制作技艺是始于汉代的一门老手艺。那时的工匠,为了造船更精确,会事先制作出船的模型,然后依据模型再进行施工。木质帆船模制作就是根据传统造船工艺,将各种古船型按比例缩小,经手工精雕细刻制成各种船模,选料做工十分精细,船具配置古色古香,具有极高的民俗价值,美学价值,历史研究价值和收藏价值。中国古帆船系列模型参考了《姑苏繁荣图》《潞河督运图》《清明上河图》等古画作品,根据图中的船型,再结合史料复原,将古船的结构简化,小型化,推出了适合普通人和青少年制作的古船模型产品。不仅传播了古船模的历史文化,也让更多的人