
FOV 模型成立於2002年於美國洛杉磯, 其成品模型產品種類包括坦克, 戰鬥機, 軍用車, 士兵公仔, 戰艦及航空母艦 及直升機等等。有別於一般的成品模型,FOV 傾向於高仿真度,模型的物料是有合金及塑膠製作而成,其優點是擁有質感及重量,以塑膠的部件亦擁有非常高的仔細度。FOV模型至2006年引入中國大陸後深受軍事模型粉絲愛戴,其中一個最大原因是因為每一個模型成品都塗上舊化效果或刻意地把模型表面造成殘舊及損壞效果。 品牌在2016年由香港昌盛工業集團正式收購,公司在廣東中山擁有自己的研發及製造基地,目標是把質量再提升到一個更高的層次,回饋多年來粉絲的愛戴。

Fifteen years after it was first established, Forces of Valor’s product portfolio has grown exponentially, from a scant 10 models covering just a handful of vehicles to a huge catalog of over 160 items, spanning every conceivable topic and subject matter within the military collectible market. Now, under the ownership of Walter & Sons Industries Group, who themselves has built a solid reputation in the fields of manufacturing as well as research and development, the brand is once again moving forward. Under the tutelage of Water & Sons, our aim is to once again stand at the forefront of the hobby and bring the very best product we can possibly create to our adoring public. The brand, if we can be so bold as to say, is now in very good hands and will soon be in your very good hands as well.