

Wuxi BIT information technology Co., Ltd.


  无锡比特信息科技有限公司,2015年9月正式成立于无锡国家软件园。公司致力于从事无人机控制系统相关的研发,涉及无人机智能控制与导航,无人机机器视觉应用,地面站控制系统,无线图传、数传,高速无刷电调,等一些相关高端技术的开发与运用。为普通用户和行业用户、提供更好的智能飞控产品和相关的解决方案。   无锡比特信息科技有限公司现有本地团队和网络团队组成,研发人员共30多人,其中软件和硬件工程师中的博士生、研究生、本科生占95%以上。欢迎更多热爱飞行器研发相关的朋友一起加入

  Wuxi bit Mdt InfoTech Ltd, was formally established in September 2015 in Wuxi national software park. The company is committed to engaging in related research and development system of man-machine control, intelligent control and navigation to UAV, the UAV machine vision applications, ground station control system, wireless transmission, data transmission, high speed brushless ESC, development and application of some high-end technology. For general users and industry users to provide better intelligent flight control products and related solutions.   Wuxi bit Mdt InfoTech Ltd existing local team and network team, a total of more than and 30 R & D personnel, including software and hardware engineers doctoral students, graduate students, undergraduate students accounted for more than 95%. Welcome more friends who love the development of aircraft related to join