

Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering


北京电子工程总体研究所研发实力雄厚,拥有多个国家重点实验室,在工业制造、航空航天领域多有建树。 北京电子工程总体研究所第十六研究室下辖的双创团队——“空天工厂”致力于新概念微小型飞行器研究,在涵道风扇、多涵道、仿生、倾转旋翼、集群编队、路径规划、智能决策等领域有丰富的开发经验。团队汇聚多名北航、西工大、清华飞行器设计专业与人工智能专业的硕士、博士。 此次展会将重点展示主打爱好者、教育市场的涵道风扇无人机,及针对专业应用的室内巡检、编队解决方案。

Beijing Institute of Electronic System Engineering has strength on research and development, and has many national laboratories, which has made great achievements in the field of industrial manufacturing and aerospace. The Space-Factory team belonged to the corporation is committed to the research of the new concept micro aircraft. It has rich experience in the fields of ducted fan, multi ducted fan, bionic, tilting rotor, path planning, intelligent decision and so on. The team gathered a number of masters and doctorate from the BUAA, WI and Qinghua. The design and production of the ducted fan UAV has passed through the Company review and entered the stage of production and crowd funding.