

Guangdong CaiPo Technology Co.,Ltd.


广东彩珀科教文化股份有限公司成立于1999年,是集合金车模、塑料玩具的研发、生产和销售为一体的高新技术企业。产品涵盖合金车模、模型潮玩等多个品类,是兰博基尼、迈凯伦、玛莎拉蒂、保时捷、奔驰、宝马等35个汽车品牌指定研发和授权生产企业。成真、CCA、 MSZ 已经成为国内外知名的车模文化国际品牌。

Guangdong CaiPo Technology Co.,Ltd.was founded in 1999, is a collection of golden car model, plastic toys research and development, production and sales as one of the high-tech enterprises. The company's products cover many categories such as alloy car models and model games. It is the designated R & D and production authorized enterprise of 35 international famous car brands such as Lamborghini, McLaren, Maserati, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and BMW. Chengcheng, CCA, MSZ alloy model has become a well-known model culture international brands at home and abroad.

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CCA 1:42 Ford Mustang GT (2018)改装车 1:42 Ford Mustang GT (2018)汽车模型,该款融合了野马和福特GT的各项优点的福特野马GT做改装汽车模型,材质为合金材质,最大亮点是“一款既可以拼装、又可以改装的合金汽车模型”。 该车模按真车比例精致复刻,在适配一套完整的Ford Mustang GT 拼装车的同时,搭配了另一套可供换装的部件,车身增加CCA品牌元素拉花图案,车身内部发动机可拆卸。引擎盖、前后保险杠、汽车尾翼、轮毅样式等部位,均有一套可改造的零部件结构,玩家可根据自己喜好,自由任意的调整车身姿态。