

Shenzhen HighGreat Innovation Technology Development Co., Lt



高巨创新科技开发有限公司(简称“高巨创新”),以“科技,从快乐开始”为公司理念宗旨,立志以超前的设计理念、追求卓越的品牌定位以及严格的品控管理,为消费者提供安全可靠、便携易用和极具性价比的高品质无人机产品。 高巨创新植根于中国创新之都-深圳特区,放眼未来,无人机行业将成为深圳的支柱型产业。目前深圳的消费级无人机行业已处于国际前列,在市场份额、研发制造能力、应用广度深度方面均具有领导地位。高巨创新将凭借与深圳市中联讯科技有限公司深入的战略合作伙伴关系,以中联讯的先进生产制造技术为基础,以高巨创新的前沿技术为支撑,共同打造专业的无人机OEM、ODM企业。 2014年成立以来,高巨吸引了大批高端人才的加入,核心成员有毕业于国外知名院校的留学生,还有来自大型国际企业的高级技术人才,我们怀着极客精神,共同打造一个以快乐为使命,以创新为动力,以科技为先导的现代化科技企业。 无人机的未来无限可能,需要每一位业界同仁的共同努力。高巨创新愿与业界良朋,携手并进,共同推动无人机行业的繁荣与发展。高情远韵,畅享飞行视宴,鸿篇巨制,共创时代辉煌。

HighGreat is an innovative high-tech company that is specialized in research and development, manufacture and sales of recreational unmanned aircraft system (UAS). Founded in 2014, our headquarter is located in Shenzhen, widely known as the home city of drones in China. The geographical advantage has not only given us easy access to UAV suppliers and raw materials, but also brought us closer to the creative talent pool. Till now we have attracted a group of intelligent people to join us. They are drone enthusiasts and also a team of young talents from overseas and seasoned professionals from reputable enterprises worldwide. Safety is always our top priority in the entire R&D process. We aspire to bring happiness to customers through UAV technology and provide best services to our clients. As we pertain to this mission, our ultimate goal is to create high-quality recreational drones that are extremely reliable, fun and easy to use.