



深圳大华轴承有限公司成立于2002年,是专业轴承生产厂家,同时也是进口轴承授权代理商。目前与日本第一家微型、小口径滚珠轴承专业生产厂家美蓓亚集团(NMB)建立了密切的长久合作伙伴关系。公司拥有丰富的人才资源及专业的技术力量,业务遍及国内各工业发达城市。11年来的持续稳定发展历程,公司本着“优质、高效、诚信、创新”的服务宗旨,以技为先、以质取胜。凭借供货及时、价格合理、服务专业等核心优势,深受业内客户好评,并立志打造高品质、高性价比的精品,持续为客户创造最大价值。 公司在上海(大华)、东莞(瑞华轴承)和汕头(沃盟电子科技)设有下属分公司;引进先进的库存管理体系,保障充足的现货库存。为您提供优质的服务。 “顾客满意、员工满意、合理利益、回报社会”是大华公司的经营宗旨,大华人锐意进取,勇于创新,在竞争中不断发展壮大,致力于成为最有影响力的轴承制造和服务专业企业。

Shenzhen Daiwa Bearing Limited Company is a miniature bearing professional manufacturing sales. Key to the bearings’ production and sales, including bearings of metric system, British system, deep groove ball, Flange Series, stainless steel, trust ball bearing with flat seat etc. It widely used in a variety of micro motor, fitness equipment, radiator fan, instrument, computer, automobile motor, precise instrument, mechanical equipment, household appliances, medical equipment, fishing tackle, high-end toys and other fields. Shenzhen Daiwa Bearing Limited Company established in 1999.We will be high-quality, high-efficiency and the principle of credibility and innovation. Boasting tremendous technological strength, the company owns a well-qualified management and staff. With advanced technology for the leading, to the needs of the market, the company consistently provides immediate feedback and on time delivery with thoughtful price concession, which by customers trust and praise.