

Leopard Power Model Co., Ltd



豹子动力模型有限公司(简称豹子动力)地处经济发达、风景优美的现代化城市-深圳,深圳是一座高新技术产业城市,这里是遥控模型元件和模型制作的国际中心,高薪待遇和最新技术的相结合,吸引了最好的技术人员和机械,我们致力于遥控模型产品的研发和制造。 豹子动力模型有限公司拥有十五年的精密电子电机生产经验,近年来一直致力于自有品牌无刷电机,无刷电子调速器等系列模型动力系统产品的研发、生产、销售。我们致力于为全球客户提供遥控模型所使用的各种优质的动力设备。 豹子动力深知,质量在细节中,特别是不容易看到的细节中。因此,从设计到材料到装配工艺,到产品的出厂检验,豹子动力无不用心。 豹子动力一直紧密跟踪最新的科技发展,并不断地作出改进。目前豹子无刷电机正在提升相关领域的应用水平,并定义高档次电机的标准。 "做不到完美,但我们会执著追求完美。"是本公司的经营理念。我们将一如既往加强与客户的交流与合作,在互惠互利的基础上,共求发展,并为模型事业的发展增添动力! 豹子动力,模型之力!

LEOPARD POWER MODEL Co., LTD (LEOPARD POWER) is located in Shenzhen,which is the international centre for the production of RC components and models in China. We have 15 years experience in manufacturing with precision hardware. LEOPARD POWER understands that details are crucial in producing high quality products. We are devoted to ensuring maximum quality at all levels of production from initial design and the selection of raw materials to final assembly and quality control. LEOPARD POWER keeps a pace with the latest technologies and strives to push the boundaries in developing new products. Our motto is‘Not the best - but better than the best'. We continue to develop our customer relations with constant exchange and co-operation. Through development mutual benefit is assured. LEOPARD - the power for RC!