

Guangzhou Smartphere LLC



本公司是HobbyMaster中国区总代理. HobbyMaster模型品牌是由一些收藏愛好者和收藏專家們合力創建,目標是盡力建立一種新標准,而宗旨就是不斷開發新的收藏品,給消費者帶來前所未有的收藏樂趣,也使產品永遠保持別具一格的創新性和精致性。 在過去的幾年時間裡,收藏家廣受國內外收藏愛好者的歡迎,而我們的產品也因高品質和具競爭力的價格而享譽中外。同時,身為收藏愛好者的我們也很樂意傾聽每一位顧客的心聲。 除了現有的軍事戰鬥機,靜態坦克及遙控坦克的產品系列外,我們還致力發展不同種類系列的產品,如1/72軍用運輸車以及1/200民航客機系列等. 2019年,HobbyMaster将继续推出更多更好的產品,满足静态军事模型爱好者的收需求.請繼續留意HobbyMaster的天猫旗舰店http://hobbymaster.tmall.com/及我司的相关网站及网点:www.smartphere.cn和5dtoy.taobao.com

We are the sole agent for Hobby Master. Hobby Master is set up by a group of hobby enthusiasts and specialists endeavor to establish new industrial standards. Our goal is to build collector's items which will provide unprecedented levels of enjoyment to customers. Collectors will be amazed by those highly innovative and detailed features which come with our every product. Over the past years, Hobby Master has gained much popularity among collectors and our products are well known for the superb quality, competitive prices and willingness to listen to customers. We are collectors too. In addition to our best-selling military aircrafts , static and remote control tanks , we are also developing new product lines, such as 1/72 military vehicles and 1/200 civil airplanes etc. In the first half of 2019 , we have some exciting new toolings to be launched. Please visit our shop at tmall://hobbymaster.taobao.com/ for new releases.