

Shenzhen Skysun Aero-tech CO.,Ltd

五金线材 ;教育培训;动态模型领域;动态模型领域;航天模型;越野攀爬车模型;多轴飞行器;木桨螺旋桨;动态模型领域;专用工具;舰艇模型;车辆模型;碳纤维螺旋桨;汽油发动机;涂料胶水;飞机模型;直升飞机;舰船模型;公共媒体;涡喷发动机;像真;EPO;飞机模型;涵道;舰船模型;原材料;有刷电动机;涡喷;专用工具;油品燃料胶水;工程车模型



Skysun Aero-tech/ APP Carbon Fiber(天太航空/亚太复合材料),是一家致力于研制 ,开发,生产,销售为一体的航空模型工厂。 我工厂拥有一批对航空飞行器-固定翼,多旋翼-技术精湛的研发生产队伍,对飞行原理和轻强结构方面有非常丰富的研发生产经验. 本工厂可设计生产加工各种复合材料,异形玻纤,碳纤,环氧树脂,产品的生产及喷漆,组装. 我公司现推出Skylark 侦察机已上市。 欢迎个人及公司前来询价。

Skysun Aero-tech/ APP Carbon Fiber is engaged in researching, developing, manufacturing and selling aero modeling products.We have an exquisite technology R & D and production team. Our team has plenty of experience on flight theory, construction for light and strong. In past we developed and produced the 3D, scale and warbirds airplanes which have big influence in the field. We factory could design, produce various composite, unshaped fiber or carbon glass, and epoxy’s paint and assembly. We now have Skylark available. Welcome to make enquiry!

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杰特曼 涡喷载人杰特曼