

Shenzhen ZTW Model Science & Technology Co.,Ltd



深圳市中特威(ZTW)科技有限公司成立于2007年,专注于电动模型用无刷动力系统领域。公司集研发、生产和销售为一体,产品畅销全球60多个国家和地区,得到业内高度认可,已成为全球行业内最具竞争优势的品牌和OEM企业。旗下的固定翼系列,多旋翼系列,船用系列,车用系列等产品在技术的兼容性,可靠性,稳定性方面均可比肩世界知名品牌。   中特威科技时刻关注海内外客户的信息反馈,紧跟行业发展趋势,不断创新提高产品的技术性能,为客户提供更高质的产品和更优质的服务。经过全球60多个国家和地区经销商及玩家的检验,“ZTW”被遥控模型业公认为最好的品牌之一。   公司全资拥有自主品牌(ZTW)及独立知识产权,研发实力强大,可以根据市场和客户需求研发设计产品和配件(承接OEM定制)。我司所有产品均通过CE、RoHS国际认证,现面向全球诚征遥控动力模型系统(航模电调、车模电调、船模电调和无刷马达)、工业用无刷电调和马达的代理商和经销商。 选择中特威,选择品质和信赖。

Shenzhen ZTW Model Science&Technology Co.,ltd was established in 2007, committing ourselves to electronic Power System for RC models. As an integrated enterprise with the ability to rearch&develop, produce and sell, our products have been selling well all over the 60 countries and districts in the world, which makes ZTW the most competitive brand and OEM enterprise through global RC lines. Our brushless ESC for car, boat, and helicopter&airplane are comparable to world famous brands especially in terms of performance in compatibility, reliability and stability. Through test and verify of distributors and hobbyists from the global 60 countries and , “ZTW” has been an universally acknowledged best brand in RC industry.We possesses our own intellectual property and powerful R&D ability, All of our products have CE&ROHS international certification, now we look forward to cooperate with global agents and distributors in RC Power System.

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