衢州国瑞进出口贸易有限责任公司是国内老牌的工贸结合的专业性R/C 系列产品公司。与多家国内外知名R/C 产品制造企业结成长期战略合作伙伴关系。长期稳定的供应质量超群,价格优越的R/C系列产品,主要包括:FPV RACING GATE/CUBE,R/C 系列产品模型携带箱、工具箱,RC系列产品携带软包及工具软包,汽油及甲醇发动机排汽管,簧片阀,化油嘴等全套配件
GRPRO Hobby Co.Ltd is the 14 years professional supplier of R/C set case,soft bag and other concerned RC goods.Our company has a professional factory to manufacture the aluminium cases and soft bags for RC products and kits, for example,O.S ENGINES,HITECH,MPX,JR,FUTABA,SANWA,E-Sky series.Besides,we also have stable capacity of supplying various kinds of other R/C goods including FPV racing gate/cube, model engine exhaust,JXF propeller,GRpro gasoline engine,JBA glow motor,CH model plane, R/C accessories and so on.