

FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd.



关于FrSky: 无锡睿思凯科技股份有限公司是一家以研发为导向,立足于技术进步与创新的电子产品开发及制造公司,主要面向广大的模型玩家们。睿思凯有着一流的研发人员,能够不断创新紧跟潮流。同时我们还会引进口碑好且性价比高的产品,来满足各个阶层的需求。未来,睿思凯还将不断地投入在自身的生产线上,致力于打造高品质高要求高素质的团队来获得消费者们的认可和信赖。 关于知识产权: 睿思凯拥有自己的知识产权,为RC领域生产各类电子产品,例如遥控器,模块,接收机,各类传感器,FASST适配接收机,S-Bus适配接收机等等。 Smart Port(S.Port)是一种有线信号,是由睿思凯研发的全双工数字接口。我司所有使用Smart Port来工作的产品(包括发射模块,接收机,传感器,图传,飞控等产品),都可以无限制地为用户的多个输入输出设备提供高速的数据传输。 ACCST:所有睿思凯传输模块以及接收机都可以使用ACCST技术,这项技术已被广大模型玩家以及模型社团所认可。ACCST技术能够让用户在2.4GHz的频段安全地进行无线电控制,几百次每秒的跳频意味着几乎没有信号干扰! 睿思凯的产品经过FCC, CE, NB, RoHS等认证,有着不错的销售渠道,并在全球销售。 睿思凯不断地听取客户的意见及反馈,来提高我们的产品质量,适应客户的需求。

About FrSky: FrSky is a young and dynamic company, committed to applying innovative technology and introducing high performance, reliable and affordable products to the model enthusiasts. We are continuously investing in research and development to improve and expand our product line. The FrSky team are passionate about our work and strive for customers’ recognition and confidence. Intellectual Property Rights: Smart Port (S.Port) is a signal wire full duplex digital transmission interface developed by FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd. The ACCST (Advanced Continuous Shifting Technology) 2.4GHz system shifts the frequency hundreds of times per second, meaning that there are no signal conflicts or interruptions. FrSky has excellent distribution channels and our products have FCC, NB, CE, RoHS, etc. certifications and are sold all over the world. FrSky has always listened to its customers and responded with enhanced products adapted to their needs.

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