珠海海太克电子科技有限公司(Hitec Multiplex China, Inc.简称 海太克中国)是在世界上享有“舵机第一制造商”美誉的韩国HITEC公司(HITEC RCD KOREA)的中国分公司,由韩国HITEC 公司和珠海海曼电子模型有限公司于2011年4月15日在广东珠海共同建立,是一家专营模型及模型配件产品的中外合资企业。
Hitec Multiplex China, Inc. is Chinese Branch of HITEC RCD KOREA, renowned as the first servo manufacture all over the world. We are the Sino-foreign equity joint venture specialized in the models and model accessories products.
As the Chinese Branch of HITEC RCD KOREA, Hitec Multiplex China, Inc. specialized not only in the servo, remote control and other related accessories for model airplane that researched, developed and produced by HITEC RCD KOREA but also in the mass customization, maintenance and after-sales service for all the products from HITEC RCD KOREA. We have been involving in providing advanced and high-quality model products for all the model enthusiasts.